Wednesday, 17 March 2010

A Nice Lesson..!


Once a boy went to a shop with his mother.
The shop keeper looked at the small cute child and showed him a bottle with sweets
And said 'Dear Child..u can take the sweets...
But the child didn't take.
The shop keeper was surprised..
Such a small child he is and why is he not taking the sweets from the bottle.
Again he said take the sweets....
Now the mother also heard that and said..
Take the sweets dear.. Yet he didn't take...
The shopkeeper seeing the child not taking the sweets...
He himself took the sweets and gave to the child.
The child was happy to get two hands full of sweets. 

While returning  home the Mother asked the child...
Why didn't you take the sweets, when  the shop keeper told you to take?..
Can you guess the response: Child replies...
Mom! My hands are very small and if I take the sweets I can only take few..
But now you see when uncle gave with his big hands.... How many more sweets I got! 
Moral: When we take we may get little but when God gives... HE gives us more beyond our expectations... More than what we can hold..!!

Tuesday, 22 December 2009


It's another morning..
….. Again I have to go to office.

Ohh, this is me… I shouted having a glance on my snap in today's news paper.
But what the HELL it is doing in the death column??


One sec... Let me think, last night when I was going to bed I had a severe pain in my chest, but I don't remember anything after that, I think I had a sound sleep.

Its morning now, ohh….. It's already 10:00 AM, where is my coffee?
I will be late for office and my boss will get a chance to irritate me.

Where is everyone…??? I screamed.

"I think there is a crowed outside my room, let me check." I said to myself.

So many people….. Not all of them crying…
But why some of them crying…

WHAT IS THIS??? I m laying there on the floor…

"I AM HERE" … I shouted!!! No one listen.
"LOOK I AM NOT DEAD" … I screamed once again!!! No one is interested in me.
They all were looking me on the bed.

I went back to my bed room.

"Am I dead??" I asked myself.

Where is my wife, my children, my mom-DAD, my friends?

I found them in the next room, all of them were crying… still trying to console each other.

My wife was crying… she was really looking sad.
My little kid was not sure what happened, but he was crying just coz his mom was sad.

How can I go without saying my kid that I really love him, I really do care of him. ??
How can I go without saying my wife that she is really most beautiful and most caring wife in this world..??
How can I go without saying my parents that I m … just because of u ??
How can I go without telling my friends that without them perhaps I have done most of the wrong things in my life… thanks for being there always when I need them… and sorry for not being there when they really need me..

I can see a person standing in the corner and trying to hide his tears…
Ohh… he was once my best friend, but a small misunderstanding made us part, and we both have strong enough ego to keep us disconnect.

I went there.. And offered him my hand, "Dear friend… I just want to say sorry for everything, we r still best friend, please forgive me."

No response from other side, what the hell?? He is still preserving his ego, I am saying sorry… even then!!!
I really don't care for such people.

But one sec…. it seems he is not able to see me!!!! He did not see my extended hand.
My goodness… AM I REALLY DEAD???

I just sat down near ME; I was also feeling like crying…

I just wasn't to make my wife, my parents; my friends realize that how much I love them.

My wife entered in the room, she looks beautiful.
"YOU R BEAUTIFUL" I shouted.
She didn't hear my words, in fact she never heard these words coz I never said this to her.

"GOD!!!!" I screamed… a little more time plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. .
I cried…

One more chance please… to hug my child, to make my mom smile just once, to feel my dad proud on me at least for a moment, to say sorry to my friends for everything I have not given to them, and thanks for still being in my life….

Then I looked up and cried!!!!

I shouted….


"You shouted in your sleep," said my wife as she gently woke me up. "Did you have a nightmare?"

I was sleeping….
Ohh that was just a dream…..

My wife was there… she can hear me…
This is the happiest moment of my life…

I can't understand the reason of the smile on her face with some tears in her eyes, still I m happy…. :)


So, Now it's not late.. Forget your egos, past……….., and express your love to others………. Be friendly…………… keep smiling and be happy for ever… 

Sunday, 20 December 2009


Our Birth is our Opening Balance!
Our Death is our Closing Balance!
Our Prejudiced Views are our Liabilities
Our Creative Ideas are our Assets

Heart is our Current Asset
Soul is our Fixed Asset
Brain is our Fixed Deposit
Thinking is our Current Account

Achievements are our Capital
Character & Morals, our Stock-in-Trade
Friends are our General Reserves
Values & Behavior are our Goodwill


Patience is our Interest Earned
Love is our Dividend
Children are our Bonus Issues
Education is Brands / Patents

Knowledge is our Investment
Experience is our Premium Account
The Aim is to Tally the Balance Sheet Accurately.
The Goal is to get the Best Presented Accounts Award.

Some very Good and Very bad things ...
The most destructive habit....... ........ .....Worry
The greatest Joy......... ......... ............ ...Giving
The greatest loss........Loss of self-respect

The most satisfying work........ .......Helping others
The ugliest personality trait.......... .....Selfishness
The most endangered species..... ....Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural resource.... .......... ...Our youth

The greatest 'shot in the arm'........ ..Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome.... ........ ...Fear
The most effective sleeping pill....... Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease........ .......Excuses

The most powerful force in life........ ............. Love
The most dangerous act...... ..A gossip
The world's most incredible computer..... ....The brain
The worst thing to be without..... ............ ..... Hope

The deadliest weapon...... ........ ..........The tongue
The two most power-filled words....... ........ 'I Can'
The greatest asset....... .......... ........ ....Faith

The most worthless emotion.... ......... ....Self- pity

The most beautiful attire...... ......... ........SMILE!
The most prized possession.. ........ .....Integrity
The most powerful channel of communication. ......Prayer
The most contagious spirit...... .......... ......Enthusiasm

Life ends;
when you stop Dreaming,
Hope ends;
when you stop Believing,
Love ends;
when you stop Caring,
And Friendship ends;
when you stop Sharing...!!!


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